A general parameter identification procedure used for the comparative study of supercapacitors models

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Supercapacitors with characteristics such as high power density, long cycling life, fast charge, and discharge response are used in different applications like hybrid and electric vehicles, grid integration of renewable energies, or medical equipment. The parametric identification and the supercapacitor model selection are two complex processes, which have a critical impact on the system design process. This paper shows a comparison of the six commonly used supercapacitor models, as well as a general and straightforward identification parameter procedure based on Simulink or Simscape and the Optimization Toolbox of Matlab((R)). The proposed procedure allows for estimating the different parameters of every model using a different identification current profile. Once the parameters have been obtained, the performance of each supercapacitor model is evaluated through two current profiles applied to hybrid electric vehicles, the urban driving cycle (ECE-15 or UDC) and the hybrid pulse power characterization (HPPC). The experimental results show that the model accuracy depends on the identification profile, as well as the robustness of each supercapacitor model. Finally, some model and identification current profile recommendations are detailed.
This article belongs to the Special Issue Energy Storage and Management for Electric Vehicles.
Supercapacitor models, Parameter estimation, ECE15, HPPC, Simulink, Simscape, Matlab, Identification, Double-layer capacitors, Energy-storage, Self-discharge, System, Hybrid, Ultracapacitors, Range
Bibliographic citation
Miniguano, H., Barrado, A., Fernandez, C., Zumel, P., & Lazaro, A. (2019). A general parameter identification procedure used for the comparative study of supercapacitors models. Energies, 12(9), 1776.