Optimization of Ti suspensions for the reinforcement of Ti scaffolds via direct foaming of a polycarbosilane

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Asociacion Española de Materiales Compuestos
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In bio-applications, the mechanical properties of macroporous structures are of great relevance as they are subjected to significant structural stresses and satisfy specific surface requirements such as high wear resistance, which prevents wear debris proliferation. The MAX phases, as Ti3SiC2, draw a great interest because of their combination of interesting structural properties such as low density and high elastic modulus. This compound also has a crystalline structure resembling that of lamellar graphite, which makes it interesting as material for wear resistance and high toughness applications. The objective of the proposed research work is the optimization of Ti micro-powder suspensions in order to use them as filler that could react with the siliconrich residue of a polymer as a polycarbosilane, leading to a well dispersed secondary phase Ti3SiC2 in a Ti matrix after a thermal treatment in an inert/controlled atmosphere. This route has been followed for the manufacture of macro-cellular porous SiC foams by direct foaming of polycarbosilane, but in our case the no-oxide ceramic phase will appear dispersed in a Ti porous structure
La ponencia presentada en: XI Congreso Nacional de Materiales Compuestos, celebrado los días 6, 7 y 8 de julio de 2015, en Móstoles (España).
Suspensions, Porous Materials, Reinforcement
Bibliographic citation
Molero Romero, Esther; Sánchez Herencia, Antonio Javier; Ferrari, Begoña; Gordo Odériz, Elena; Colombo, Paolo (2015). Optimization of Ti suspensions for the reinforcement of Ti scaffolds via direct foaming of a polycarbosilane. En Materiales Compuestos 15. Actas del XI Congreso Nacional de Materiales Compuestos, Móstoles (Madrid), 6, 7 y 8 de julio de 2015. Madrid: Asociacion Española de Materiales Compuestos. Pp. 577-582