Geolocalización de personas con Alzheimer basada en plataformas móviles

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Este proyecto introduce una solución que evita estas situaciones de emergencia mediante la utilización de dispositivos inteligentes comerciales, tipo smartphone, tales como iPhone y Android. Antes de que el afectado salga, el cuidador establece una zona de confort, basada en el tiempo que suele estar fuera o un radio máximo de distancia de acción. En el caso de que estos límites se superen se enviará una alerta al cuidador con la última posición conocida. Por otro lado, si el enfermo se siente desorientado, aunque la zona de confort no haya sido superada, podrá enviar una alerta a su cuidador con su posición geográfica. Además, si el dispositivo se queda sin cobertura de datos o GPS o incluso sin batería, la propia plataforma sobre la que se apoya la solución será la que avise al cuidador de esta circunstancia, entregándole además la última posición donde la persona se encontraba. Tweri, como se ha llamado a la solución, ofrece autonomía para el enfermo y tranquilidad para sus cuidadores y familiares. Contribuye a facilitar la vida de estas familias.
Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by the progressive loss of memory and other mental capacities, with an average evolution of 10 years. In the early stages of the disease, pre-dementia and early dementia, the affected person can, and should carry out, a completely normal life. Occasional memory and orientation loss are common symptoms at that point. For instance, is habitual for Alzheimer sufferers to become disorientated even in very familiar places. The aim of this project is to introduce a solution to avoid those emergency situations as easy to reach devices as a smartphone such as an iPhone, Android or Windows Phone. Each time the patient is ready to leave, the caregiver would need to establish a “comfort zone”, based on the time that the person in their care is allowed outside or a predetermined maximum distance. If it should happen that the patient goes over those limits an alert message will be sent to the caregiver stating the latest location the affected person was in. Furthermore, if the individual affected feels disoriented (confused, dazed), even inside of the comfort zone, he or she will be able to send an alert message to the caregiver with his or her last known location. In addition to the previously mentioned functions, if the device is out of range (without coverage) or has run out of battery, the asset would be supported by a platform which will let the caregiver know of such. Also, informing him or her of the latest known location of the person. Tweri, as the solution has been called, offers autonomy to the person affected and his or her family and caregivers. It would contribute to make their lives easier.
Alzheimer, Salud digital, Geolocalización, Radiocomunicación, Aplicación móvil, Lean StartUp
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