Work in progress about enhancing the programmability and energy efficiency of storage in HPC and cloud environments

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We present the work in progress for the PhD thesis titled “Enhancing the programmability and energy efficiency of storage in HPC and cloud environments”. In this thesis, we focus on studying and optimizing data movement across different layers of the operating system’s I/O stack. We study the power consumption during I/O-intensive workloads using sophisticated software and hardware instrumentation, collecting time series data from internal ATX power lines that feed every system component, and several run-time operating system metrics. Data exploration and data analysis reveal for each I/O access pattern various power and performance regimes. These regimes show how power is used by the system as data moved through the I/O stack. We use this knowledge to build I/O power models that are able to predict power consumption for different I/O workloads, and optimize the CPU device driver that manage performance states to obtain great power savings (over 30%). Finally, we develop new mechanisms and abstractions that allow co-located virtual machines to share data with each other more efficiently. Our virtualized data sharing solution reduces data movement among virtual domains, leading to energy savings I/O performance improvements.
Proceedings of the First PhD Symposium on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS PhD 2016) Timisoara, Romania. February 8-11, 2016.
NESUS, PhD Symposium, Energy Efficiency, I/O, Storage, Data movement, HPC, Cloud
Bibliographic citation
Carretero Pérez, Jesús; (eds.). (2016). Proceedings of the First PhD Symposium on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS PhD 2016). Timisoara, Romania. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, ARCOS. Pp. 79-82.