Deep Learning for Vein Biometric Recognition on a Smartphone

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The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has pointed out, even more, the important need for hygiene contactless biometric recognition systems. Vein-based devices are great non-contact options although they have not been entirely well-integrated in daily life. In this work, in an attempt to contribute to the research and development of these devices, a contactless wrist vein recognition system with a real-life application is revealed. A Transfer Learning (TL) method, based on different Deep Convolutional Neural Networks architectures, for Vascular Biometric Recognition (VBR), has been designed and tested, for the first time in a research approach, on a smartphone. TL is a Deep Learning (DL) technique that could be divided into networks as feature extractor, i.e., using a pre-trained (different large-scale dataset) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to obtain unique features that then, are classified with a traditional Machine Learning algorithm, and fine-tuning, i.e., training a CNN that has been initialized with weights of a pre-trained (different large-scale dataset) CNN. In this study, a feature extractor base method has been employed. Several architecture networks have been tested on different wrist vein datasets: UC3M-CV1, UC3M-CV2, and PUT. The DL model has been integrated on the Xiaomi© Pocophone F1 and the Xiaomi© Mi 8 smartphones obtaining high biometric performance, up to 98% of accuracy and less than 0.4% of EER with a 50–50% train-test on UC3M-CV2, and fast identification/verification time, less than 300 milliseconds. The results infer, high DL performance and integration reachable in VBR without direct user-device contact, for real-life applications nowadays.
Vein biometric recognition, Smartphone, Deep learning, Convolutional neural network (CNN), Machine learning, Transfer learning, Artificial intelligence, Contactless wrist vascular database, Neural network as feature extractor, Biometrics on mobile devices
Bibliographic citation
Garcia-Martin, R. & Sanchez-Reillo, R. (2021). Deep Learning for Vein Biometric Recognition on a Smartphone. IEEE Access, 9, 98812–98832.