Publication: The impact of using gamification on the eco-driving learning
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Springer International Publishing
This paper analyses and validates the impact of using gamification techniques for improving eco-driving learning. The proposal uses game mechanisms such as the score and achievements systems in order to encourage the driver to drive efficiently. The score is calculated using fuzzy logic techniques that allow us to evaluate the driver in a similar way as a human being would do. We also define the eco-driving tips that are issued while driving in order to help the driver to improve the fuel consumption. Every time the system detects an inefficient action of the driver to a previously known situation such as a bad reaction to a detected traffic sign or a detected traffic accident, it warns the user. The proposal is validated using 14 different drivers performing more than 300 drives with 5 different models of vehicles on 4 different regions of Spain. The conclusions show a positive correlation in the use of gamification techniques and the application of the proposed of eco-driving tips, especially for aggressive drivers. Furthermore, these techniques contribute to avoid drivers coming back to their previous driving habits.
The proceeding at: 5th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (ISAmI 2014), took is at 2014, June, 4-6, in Salamanca (Spain). The Event Web Site:
Eco-driving learning, Fuel Consumption Optimization, Gamification, Help systems, ITS, Intelligent Vehicle Systems & Telematics, Intelligent systems, User experiments
Bibliographic citation
Muñoz Organero, Mario; Corcoba Magaña, Victor (2014). The impact of using gamification on the eco-driving learning. Ambient intelligence, software and applications: 5th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence. Volume: 291, Pages: 45-52