Publication: Faros y pantanos. Una historia de las prisiones provinciales argentinas (Córdoba, Santa Fe y Tucumán, 1853-1946)
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Faros y pantanos, es una propuesta de diálogo con la historiografía de las prisiones argentinas que vio en las cárceles provinciales, “pantanos”: espacios inmóviles, grises y sin cambios. Si bien es cierto que los ritmos de cambio provinciales diferían enormemente con el de la capital, el trabajo de los reformistas penitenciarios locales fue el de construir “faros” de modernidad, al estilo del instalado en Buenos Aires: la célebre Penitenciaría Nacional. Se ha discutido mucho sobre el “panóptico”, aquel modelo institucional de la sociedad de control, sin embargo, poco se conoce de aquellos “pantanos” que constituyeron “el gris castigo de la mayoría”. La apuesta de este libro es explorar lo que esconden aquellos espacios de reclusión provinciales, donde se castigaba a la mayor parte de la población carcelaria nacional. Se parte de la hipótesis de que, precisamente allí, debajo de aquellos pantanos se esconde la prisión argentina primigenia, porque se fraguó en esos grises lugares de transición más que en los “faros modernizadores” de Buenos Aires o Ushuaia. Apartadas del “modelo”, y del “deber ser” punitivo, se esconden en la marisma los embriones de la prisión contemporánea. Adentrarse en el barro y desenterrar esos vestigios, investigar acerca de la lógica de funcionamiento de las cárceles provinciales, permitirá comprender mejor el surgimiento y la consolidación de los dispositivos punitivos que caracterizan a las cárceles argentinas hoy.
Beacons and swamps is a proposal for dialogue with the historiography of Argentine prisons, which saw provincial prisons as "swamps": immobile, grey, unchanging spaces. Although it is true that the pace of change in the provinces differed enormously from that of the capital, the work of the local prison reformers was to build "beacons" of modernity, in the style of the one installed in Buenos Aires: the famous National Penitentiary. Much has been discussed about the "panopticon", that institutional model of the society of control, but little is known about those "swamps" that constituted "the grey punishment of the majority". The aim of this book is to explore what is hidden in those provincial confinement spaces, where most of the national prison population was punished. It is based on the hypothesis that it is precisely there, under those swamps, that the original Argentine prison is hidden, because it was forged in those grey places of transition rather than in the "modernising beacons" of Buenos Aires or Ushuaia. Far from the "model", and from the punitive "should be", the embryos of the contemporary prison are hidden in the marshes. Delving into the mud and unearthing these vestiges, investigating the logic of the functioning of provincial prisons, will allow a better understanding of the emergence and consolidation of the punitive devices that characterise Argentine prisons today.
Beacons and swamps is a proposal for dialogue with the historiography of Argentine prisons, which saw provincial prisons as "swamps": immobile, grey, unchanging spaces. Although it is true that the pace of change in the provinces differed enormously from that of the capital, the work of the local prison reformers was to build "beacons" of modernity, in the style of the one installed in Buenos Aires: the famous National Penitentiary. Much has been discussed about the "panopticon", that institutional model of the society of control, but little is known about those "swamps" that constituted "the grey punishment of the majority". The aim of this book is to explore what is hidden in those provincial confinement spaces, where most of the national prison population was punished. It is based on the hypothesis that it is precisely there, under those swamps, that the original Argentine prison is hidden, because it was forged in those grey places of transition rather than in the "modernising beacons" of Buenos Aires or Ushuaia. Far from the "model", and from the punitive "should be", the embryos of the contemporary prison are hidden in the marshes. Delving into the mud and unearthing these vestiges, investigating the logic of the functioning of provincial prisons, will allow a better understanding of the emergence and consolidation of the punitive devices that characterise Argentine prisons today.
Prólogo de José Daniel Cesano
Historia de la prisión, Cárceles argentinas, Penitenciarismo, Reforma penitenciaria, Paradigma penitenciario, Prison history, Argentinian prisons, Penitentiary reform, Penitentiary paradigm