Publication: Historia y Periodismo: interrelaciones entre disciplinas
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Este estudio se plantea como objetivo analizar las aproximaciones posibles entre Historia y Periodismo a fin de averiguar qué nuevo conocimiento podemos obtener de su interrelación. Ambas disciplinas proceden de distintos enfoques conceptuales, epistemológicos y metodológicos pero es nuestro interés profundizar en los nexos, más allá de las conocidas fronteras de su objeto de estudio. Se introducen cuestiones que tienen que ver con la reorganización de las ciencias sociales y humanas, con la propuesta de metodologías afines y el fomento de la interdisciplinariedad.
This study tries to analyse the possible rapprochement among History and Journalism in order to guess what new knowledge we could get with its interrelationship. Both disciplines come from different conceptual, epistemological and methodological perspectives but it is our interest to deepen in ties, beyond the known boundaries of the object of study. We introduce issues related to the reorganization of the social and human sciences, with the proposal of similar methodologies and the encouragement of interdisciplinary.
This study tries to analyse the possible rapprochement among History and Journalism in order to guess what new knowledge we could get with its interrelationship. Both disciplines come from different conceptual, epistemological and methodological perspectives but it is our interest to deepen in ties, beyond the known boundaries of the object of study. We introduce issues related to the reorganization of the social and human sciences, with the proposal of similar methodologies and the encouragement of interdisciplinary.
Historia, Periodismo, Interdisciplinariedad, Historia del Presente, Historia del Periodismo, History, Journalism, Interdisciplinary, Current History, Journalism History
Bibliographic citation
Historia y Comunicación Social V. 19. Nº Especial Enero (2014), pp. 253-264