Publication: La dimensión local de las políticas activas de empleo. Una revisión competencial tras la aprobación de la Estrategia Española de Empleo 2012-2014
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Consejo Andaluz de Relaciones Laborales
La Ley de Empleo avanzó en el principio de descentralización de las políticas activas de empleo, instando a establecer a las CCAA "actuaciones y medidas que ellas mismas establezca según las necesidades y circunstancias específicas de sus respectivos territorios". La recientemente aprobadaEstrategia Española de Empleo 2012-2014 profundiza en este principio al establecer "un nuevo marco de relación" entre el servicio público de empleo estatal y los autonómicos, y expresamente recuerda "las diferencias territoriales que caracterizan al mercado de trabajo español".Este nuevo marco de relación basado en un criterio de corresponsabilidad entre los distintos Servicios Públicos de Empleo se dirige a la consecución de los objetivos de política de empleo del Estado y de la Unión Europea, dotando de un margen amplio de flexibilidad a cada territorio para que adapte esta estrategia a sus concretas características. El presente artículo aborda cuál es el modelo competencial en materia de empleo dentro del entramado institucional del Sistema Nacional de Empleo tras la aprobación del RDL 3/2011, y analiza cuál es el encaje legal de las múltiples actuaciones en materia de empleo impulsadas por los Entes Locales.
The Employment Law (L.56/2003) regulates the functioning of public employment services (PES) in the context of decentralization to the regions (autonomous communities and municipalities) and the European employment strategy. The new legislation has been completed with the promulgation of the Royal Decree 3/2011 and the Spanish Employment Strategy 2012-2014; these reforms want to increase the eficiency of the functioning of the labour market and to improve the opportunities for joining it in order to achieve the reduction of unemployment. This process law seeks to make the National Employment System a basic instrument to introduce modernization through active employment policies, “which complement and are related to unemployment benefit and are articulated through programmes of personalized attention for jobseekers according to their characteristics”. Active employment policy should take a preventive approach, attempting to introduce initiatives that prevent people from falling into long-term unemployment. The national and regional –including local level- public employment services in collaboration with the job-seekers concerned.
The Employment Law (L.56/2003) regulates the functioning of public employment services (PES) in the context of decentralization to the regions (autonomous communities and municipalities) and the European employment strategy. The new legislation has been completed with the promulgation of the Royal Decree 3/2011 and the Spanish Employment Strategy 2012-2014; these reforms want to increase the eficiency of the functioning of the labour market and to improve the opportunities for joining it in order to achieve the reduction of unemployment. This process law seeks to make the National Employment System a basic instrument to introduce modernization through active employment policies, “which complement and are related to unemployment benefit and are articulated through programmes of personalized attention for jobseekers according to their characteristics”. Active employment policy should take a preventive approach, attempting to introduce initiatives that prevent people from falling into long-term unemployment. The national and regional –including local level- public employment services in collaboration with the job-seekers concerned.
Políticas de empleo, Reparto de competencias, Estrategia española de empleo, Employment policy and law, Decentralization, Competences
Bibliographic citation
Temas laborales, 2012, 114, pp. 119-146.