Design of composite structure : liquid nitrogen tank

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This project focuses on the study and analysis of an special kind of structure, nitrogen tank made of composite structures. The main idea of this project is for being use in a hospital because is one of the best places for the application of this kind of material, but due to the properties of the tank it will be able for use everywhere. I want to make this project using this materials because nowadays there is an important increasing of the investigation in this topic, and I think that it could improve the tanks that are manufacturing now by the companys making it too much resistant and light. The aim of the project is evaluate the improvements that composites materials makes in this type of structures, using the properties which they are going to contribute and also evaluate the most important characteristic composites has it , which is designing for using the resistances in the exactly directions that we need to makes the tank completely resistant and also do it the most cheaper way, which will be the different against the competence. The main objective of my project is showing the relationship between using some theorycal calculus and also use some programs such as mathcad or ANSYS to evaluate the final results and to be able for assuring that the tank will resist all the pressure combianation that are going to appear due to the liquid and the extreme temperatures which it has in the internal surface.
Materiales compuestos, Ensayo de materiales, Fibras de vidrio, Fibras de carbono, Fibras de aramida, Nitrógeno líquido, Depósitos
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