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  • Publication
    Does ethnicity moderate the relationship between communication of the leader and LMX? Perception of employees in Peru
    (2021) Brown, O.; Paz Aparicio, Carmen
    The objective of this research is to determine if ethnic similarity / difference is a relevant variable in the relationship between the leader's communication style and the quality of the leader-follower relationship, in the context of Peru. Using a multidimensional model of the leader's communication style, we have identified that verbal aggressiveness and emotionality are the two dimensions that interact with the ethnic similarity/difference between the leader and the subordinate. Verbal aggressiveness intensifies his negative affect on LMX when leader and subordinate are ethnically similar. The emotionality in the communication of the leader favors the LMX with more intensity if there is an ethnic similarity. The dimensions of expressiveness, precision, questioning and manipulation of the impression of the leader's communication style are not sensitive to ethnicity
  • Publication
    Understanding the decision to offshore human resources activities. A coevolutionary perspective.
    (2016-02-19) Paz Aparicio, Carmen; Ricart, Joan E.; Bonache Perez, Jaime Alfonso
    The topic of offshoring has been widely studied in the literature on strategic management and international business, but scant attention has been paid to the offshoring of the Human Resource (HR) function (research has focused on outsourcing), apart from its consideration as an administrative activity (AA). Our aim is to better understand the decision of companies offshoring HR activities. We take Baron and Kreps model of HR outsourcing and adapt it by including the offshoring phenomenon and a dynamic perspective, considering the company and service provider’s experience in offshoring. Using data from ORN Corporate Client Surveys conducted in the US and Europe since 2005 until 2011, with a sample of 1,874 offshored activities, we explore if the drivers for offshoring the HR function differ from the drivers to offshore other AAs. How different are these drivers as compared with the decision to offshore other administrative activities (AAs)? The idiosyncracy of the HR function is supported by our exploratory analysis and also with the descriptive case of the multinational DuPont and its experience with offshoring. As a result, a co-evolutionary model is proposed for understanding the behaviour of companies offshoring their HR activities. We contend that companies should address their decision to offshore HR activities from a dynamic perspective. Companies need to be aware of three processes that are in constant change: the evolution of the HR function, the evolution of service providers, and the evolution of offshoring decisions. We believe that the dynamic model we have created represents this evolution and supports the decisions being made by managers. This may help managers to improve their decision-making process. Specifically, this study seeks to make a threefold contribution to the International Business, Strategy and Human Resource Management Disciplines.
  • Publication
    The moderating role of ethnicity in the relation between communication of the leader and LMX: perception of the employees of Peru
    (European International Business Academy (EIBA), 2020-12-10) Paz Aparicio, Carmen; Brown, O.
    The objective of this research is to determine if ethnic similarity / difference is a relevant variable in the relationship between the leader's communication style and the quality of the leader-follower relationship, in the context of Peru. Using a multidimensional model of the leader's communication style, we have identified that verbal aggressiveness and emotionality are the two dimensions that interact with the ethnic similarity/difference between the leader and the subordinate. Verbal aggressiveness intensifies his negative affect on LMX when leader and subordinate are ethnically similar. The emotionality in the communication of the leader favors the LMX with more intensity if there is an ethnic similarity. The dimensions of expressiveness, precision, questioning and manipulation of the impression of the leader's communication style are not sensitive to ethnicity.
  • Publication
    Una visión más general: Educación y Sostenibilidad
    (2013-04-22) Tapia, Mikel; Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Publication
    La coordinación de las políticas fiscales y el ciclo económico
    (Universidad de Jaén, 2012) Cerón, Juan A.
    La aceleración del proceso de globalización e integración económica ha modificado sustancialmente el marco de referencia de la política fiscal. La movilidad de las bases impositivas, la vinculación entre los tipos de interés y el desbordamiento de las políticas hacia otros países sitúan en un primer plano el tema de la coordinación de las políticas macroeconómicas. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar el marco y los condicionantes para una correcta coordinación de las políticas fiscales, cuyo éxito dependerá, en todo caso, de su orientación, expansiva o contractiva, de la situación previa de las finanzas públicas y de la posición cíclica de cada país. Globalization and economic integration has changed dramatically the framework of fiscal policy. Items like mobile tax bases, linkage among interest rates and the spill-over to other countries put at the forefront the issue of macroeconomic policies coordination. This work aims to analyse the frame and determinants for an efficient coordination of fiscal policies, whose success, in any case, is based on whether it is expansionary or contractionary, on previous state of public finances and, finally, on specific country cyclical position.
  • Publication
    Los retos de la globalización para la política fiscal
    (Sociedad de Economía Mundial, 2011) Cerón, Juan A.
    La aceleración del proceso de globalización e integración económica ha modificado sustancialmente el marco de referencia de la política fiscal. La movilidad de las bases fiscales, la distribución de los beneficios de la globalización, el tamaño de los mercados de capitales, el incremento de los desequilibrios macroeconómicos globales, el impacto de las decisiones fiscales sobre las economías de otros países o la evolución de los ciclos económicos son una parte de ese cambio en el entorno. El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en analizar este nuevo marco y sus efectos sobre la política fiscal en los países más desarrollados. Globalization and economic integration has increased significantly over the past four decades, and this has changed dramatically the framework for fiscal policy. Items like the rising degree of economic inequality, mobile tax bases, financial markets size, the increasing global imbalances, spill-over to other countries from fiscal politics or the economic cycles volatility are included in this new framework. This work aims to analyze the ongoing pressure from this new situation and its consequences for the stabilization role of discretionary fiscal policy in advances countries.
  • Publication
    La política fiscal de la Unión Europea ante la crisis económica
    (2010) Cerón, Juan A.; Fuente del Moral, Fátima de la
    Cuando en el verano de 2007 se percibieron los primeros síntomas de la crisis económica que se avecinaba, pocos eran los que aventuraban el papel central que adquiriría la política fiscal en la gestión de la misma. La Unión Europea, que a partir del Tratado de Maastricht había fijado unas reglas cuantitativas de actuación para las cuentas públicas -en consonancia con los postulados del Consenso de Washington-, las reformó en 2005, justo un par de años antes de que se desencadenara la crisis, imprimiéndoles un sesgo menos rígido y permitiendo un mayor margen de maniobra para la política fiscal. En este contexto marcado por la crisis económica y la existencia de unas pautas de actuación para sector público, se desarrolla la respuesta planteada por la Unión Europea para luchar contra la recesión. Al análisis de la vertiente fiscal de dicha respuesta va destinado este trabajo. --------------------------------------------------
  • Publication
    Nuevas tecnologías: nuevos horizontes en la valoración de inversiones
    (Asociación Europea de Dirección y Economía de Empresa, 1994) Camino Blasco, David; Álvarez, María José
    La emergencia y rápido desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y producción está cambiando las bases de la competencia internacional. La empresa española, como sus competidoras, ha de hacer frente a este nuevo contexto, siendo la automatización productiva una de las posibles vías de actuación a su alcance. La valoración y justificación de las inversiones a llevar a cabo está, por el momento, regida por los principios convencionales, no aplicables en numerosos casos a los nuevos activos a valorar, 10 que lleva a retrasar la modernización y renovación de nuestro entorno industrial. Este trabajo pretende poner de manifiesto la necesidad de ampliar estos principios, así como de renovar el propio proceso de evaluación y justificación. Con tal fin, se ha efectuado una revisión detenida de la literatura internacional reciente y se proponen las bases para el desarrollo de nuevos enfoques.
  • Publication
    Asset Pricing and Systematic Liquidity Risk: an Empirical Investigation of the Spanish Stock Market
    (AEFIN : Universidad de Alicante, 2003) Martínez, Miguel Ángel; Nieto, Belén; Rubio, Gonzalo; Tapia, Mikel
    Systematic liquidity shocks should affect the optimal behavior of agents in financial markets. Indeed, fluctuations in various measures of liquidity are significantly correlated across common stocks. Accordingly, this paper empirically analyzes whether Spanish average returns vary cross-sectionally with betas estimated relative to two competing liquidity risk factors. The first one, proposed by Pastor and Stambaugh (2002), is associated with the strength of volume-related return reversals. Our marketwide liquidity factor is defined as the difference between returns highly sensitive to changes in the relative bid-ask spread and returns with low sensitivities to those changes. Our empirical results show that neither of these proxies for systematic liquidity risk seems to be priced in the Spanish stock market. Further international evidence is deserved.
  • Publication
    Price Discovery in the Pre-Opening Period. Theory and Evidence from the Madrid Stock Exchange
    (AEFIN : Universidad de Alicante, 2003) Brusco, Sandro; Manzano, Carolina; Tapia, Mikel
    Some stock exchanges, such as the Spanish Stock Exchange and Euronext (Paris), allow traders to place orders in a `pre-opening' period. Orders placed in this period are used to determine the opening price, and can be cancelled at any moment and at no cost by the traders. We consider a model in which noise traders can appear in the market before or after the opening, and a strategic informed trader decides her order strategy at the preopening and at the opening period. We characterize the equilibrium of such a model, showing that at the pre-opening there is a non-monotonic relation between the aggregate quantity ordered and prices. Thus, the equilibrium at the preopening stage is determined in a way which is fundamentally diferent from the equilibrium in the open market. We proceed to study the implications of the existence of a pre-opening period on information revelation and on the determination of the opening price. We present evidence from the Spanish Stock Exchange that seem to support the theoretical predictions, showing a clear diference in behavior between the market behavior before and after the opening of the market.
  • Publication
    What drives information dissemination in continuous double auction markets?
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2005) Gil Bazo, Javier; Moreno Muñoz, Jesús David; Tapia, Mikel
    In this paper, we investigate further the way information disseminates from informed to uninformed traders in a market populated by heterogeneous boundedly rational agents. In order to achieve the goal, a computer simulated market where only a small fraction of the population observe the risky asset's fundamental value with noise was constructed, while the rest of agents try to forecast the asset's price from past transaction data. The paper departs from previous studies in that the risky asset does not pay a dividend every period, so agents cannot learn from past transaction prices and subsequent dividend payments. The main finding is that information can potentially disseminate in the market as long as: (1) informed investors' trades tilt transaction prices in the fundamental path direction; and (2) the median investor's expectation is very responsive to transaction prices. Otherwise, markets may display crashes or bubbles. It is found that the first condition requires a minimal amount of informed investors, and is severely limited by short selling and borrowing constraints.
  • Publication
    Contabilidad de costes basados en actividades (ABC)
    (Instituto de Contabilidad y Auditoría de Cuentas, 1995) Mallo Rodríguez, Carlos
  • Publication
    Una tipología de estrategias medioambientales de operaciones en el sector turístico español: Un análisis exploratorio
    (Universidad de La Rioja, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1999) Burgos Jiménez, Jerónimo de; Álvarez, María José; Céspedes Lorente, José Joaquín
  • Publication
    Crisis económica : ¿qué papel hay para las monedas y los tipos de cambio?
    (Sociedad de Economía Mundial, 2009-05) Cerón, Juan A.
    Previous to the crises unleashed in summer of 2007, exchange rates were at the center of the debate across economists focused on international economy. The extreme aggressiveness of the turmoil, has hidden these issues. Nonetheless, sooner or later, they will likely return again, even wider. Public bailouts will be debt financed, to some extent in the international markets, adding a new source of volatility. This paper intends to deal with the relations among exchange rate, the role of currencies and the current crisis management, incorporating recent contributions from the academic field.
  • Publication
    Crisis financieras internacionales, teorías explicativas y propuestas de reforma del Sistema Monetario: el caso de las subprime
    (Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Ciènces Econòmiques i Empresarials, 2008-05) Cerón, Juan A.
    A new international financial crisis unleashed in summer of 2007. Although it had been earlier warnings about the end of the real state assets overvaluation in U.S.A., subprime mortgage crisis came suddenly in August and its rapid growth and widespread to others countries surprised everyone and brought an extended fear about its effects in the real economy. This paper intends to cope with the turmoil from two different points of view. On the one hand, the purpose is to analyze if theoretical models about financial crisis developed until now could explain properly this one or, on the contrary, new theories need to arise, keeping in mind that, al least for the moment, the current crisis looks quite different from previous ones. The second aim refers to the set of proposals developed during the last thirty years or so oriented to reform the international monetary system. Besides traditional suggestions focused on giving a higher degree of transparency and regulation of the financial systems, both domestic and international, it is worth to think if a new kind of crisis, with a new format, will bring new reforming propositions too.