Marcellán Español, Francisco JoséPérez, G.2009-12-092009-12-092003-07Queueing Systems, 2003, vol. 44, n. 3, p. 281-3040257-0130 (Print)1572-9443 (Online) pages, no figures.-- MSC2000 codes: 60K25, 68J80, 42C05.MR#: MR1998083 (2004e:60152)Zbl#: Zbl 1035.90023A representation for the moments of the number of customers in a M/M/s queueing system is deduced from the Karlin and McGregor representation for the transition probabilities. This representation allows us to study the limit behavior of the moments as time tends to infinity. We study some consequences of the representation for the mean.application/pdfeng© SpringerM/M/s queueMomentsLimit behaviorOrthogonal polynomialsTransient behaviorThe moments of the M/M/s queue length processresearch articleMatemáticas10.1023/A:1024718709227open access