Barbero G., J. FernandoDíaz Jiménez, BogarMargalef Bentabol, JuanSánchez Villaseñor, Eduardo Jesús2021-04-052021-04-052021-01-26Barbero G., J. Fernando, Díaz, B., Margalef-Bentabol, J. and Vilaseñor, E. J. S. (2021). Concise symplectic formulation for tetrad gravity. Physical Review D, 103 (2), 0240512470-0010 discuss a simple symplectic formulation for tetrad gravity that leads to the real Ashtekar variables in a direct and transparent way. It also sheds light on the role of the Immirzi parameter and the time gauge.5eng© 2021 American Physical SocietyConcise symplectic formulation for tetrad gravityresearch articleMateriales access0240512Physical Review D103AR/0000026830