Reynolds Barredo, José MiguelNewman, DavidCarreras Verdaguer, Benjamin A.Dobson, Ian2023-02-162023-02-162016-11Reynolds-Barredo, J. M., Newman, D. E., Carreras, B. A. & Dobson, I. (2016). The interplay of network structure and dispatch solutions in power grid cascading failures. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 26(11), 113111.1054-1500 a given minimum cost of the electricity dispatch, multiple equivalent dispatch solutions may exist. We explore the sensitivity of networks to these dispatch solutions and their impact on the vulnerability of the network to cascading failure blackouts. It is shown that, depending on the heterogeneity of the network structure, the blackout statistics can be sensitive to the dispatch solution chosen, with the clustering coefficient of the network being a key ingredient. We also investigate mechanisms or configurations that decrease discrepancies that can occur between the different dispatch solutions.12eng© 2016 Author(s).Self-organized criticalityBlackoutsDynamicsSystemsThe interplay of network structure and dispatch solutions in power grid cascading failuresresearch articleFísica access113111-111113111-12Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science26AR/0000018594