Arenas García, JerónimoSerna Martínez, Álvaro de la2018-05-072018-05-072014-072014-07-11 goal of this document is the implementation of a software tool for the simulation of the acoustic tracking problem over a wireless sensor network working in a centralized or distributed manner. Its Graphical User Interface (GUI) allows the user to configure the parameters associated to the diffusion adaptive algorithms implemented in the simulation tool, in order to offer a visual representation of the behavior of a real sensor network working with those settings. For illustration we ran several simulations, which allowed us to visualize the performance of different network configurations. The results obtained with the implemented simulation tool show it can be very helpful to study the audio target tracking problem and ultimately for the design of sensor networks that can guarantee certain performance criteria. Moreover, we have developed the code for the implementation of a real acoustictracking sensor network working in a centralized manner, using ©Libelium’sWaspmote™ sensor boards as the network nodes and using ©Libelium’s Meshlium-Xtreme™ as central node.application/pdfengAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaCentralized and distributed algorithmsSimulationGraphical User Interface (GUI)Design of softwareSimulation tool implementing centralized and distributed algorithms for tracking acoustic targetsbachelor thesisTelecomunicacionesopen access