Marín Díazaraque, Juan MiguelNieto, CarmenUniversidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Estadística2007-03-072007-03-072007-03 this paper, we present a model to deal with the problem of matching M objects or configurations of points. This is a generalization of the model proposed by Green and Mardia (2006). We consider, as a direct and simple application, the case of three configurations with labelled and with unlabelled points. In both cases, we consider data from a microarray experiment of gorilla, bonobo and human cultured fibroblasts published by Karaman et al. (2003). We find out the matchings and the best affine transformation between the projections of genes in a two dimensional space, obtained by a Multidimensional Scaling technique.446640 bytesapplication/pdfengAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaMCMC computationMicroarray analysisMultidimensional scalingSpatial Bayesian methodsSpatial Poisson ProcessVon Mises distributionSpatial matching of M configurations of points with a bioinformatics applicationworking paperEstadísticaopen accessws070903