Gallardo Antolín, AscensiónDíaz de María, FernandoValverde Albacete, Francisco José2008-03-142008-03-141999ICASSP '99. Proceedings., 1999 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1999. PP. 277-2800-7803-5041-3 have extended our previous research on a new approach to automatic speech recognition (ASR) in the GSM environment. Instead of recognizing from the decoded speech signal, our system works from the digital speech representation used by the GSM encoder. We have compared the performance of a conventional system and the one we propose on a speaker independent, isolated-digit ASR task. For the half and full-rate GSM codecs, from our results, we conclude that the proposed approach is much more effective in coping with the coding distortion and transmission errors. Furthermore, in clean speech conditions, our approach does not impoverish the recognition performance, even recognizing from GSM digital speech, in comparison with a conventional system working on unencoded speechapplication/pdfeng© IEEECellular radioCoding errorsDigital radioSignal representationSpeech codecsSpeech codingSpeech recognitionGSM ASR tasksGSM encoderAutomatic speech recognitionCoding distortionDecoded half-rate GSM codecResearchSpeaker independent isolated-digit ASRTransmission errorsAvoiding distortions due to speech coding and transmission errorsconference outputTelecomunicaciones10.1109/ICASSP.1999.758116open access