Ciaglia, Florio MariaDi Cosmo, FabioIbort Latre, Luis AlbertoMarmo, Giuseppe2023-09-062023-09-062019-10-19Ciaglia, F. M., Di Cosmo, F., Ibort, A., & Marmo, G. (2019). Descriptions of relativistic dynamics with world line condition. Quantum reports, 1(2), 181-192.2624-960X this paper, a generalized form of relativistic dynamics is presented. A realization of the Poincaré algebra is provided in terms of vector fields on the tangent bundle of a simultaneity surface in R4 . The construction of this realization is explicitly shown to clarify the role of the commutation relations of the Poincaré algebra versus their description in terms of Poisson brackets in the no-interaction theorem. Moreover, a geometrical analysis of the "eleventh generator" formalism introduced by Sudarshan and Mukunda is outlined, this formalism being at the basis of many proposals which evaded the no-interaction theorem.12eng© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Atribución 3.0 EspañaRelativistic dynamicsNo-interaction theoremWorld line conditionDescriptions of Relativistic Dynamics with World Line Conditionresearch articleFísicaMatemáticasTelecomunicaciones access1812192Quantum Reports1AR/0000026109