Carrizales Espinoza, DianaSánchez Gallegos, Dante D.González Compean, J.L.Carretero Pérez, Jesús2021-12-222021-12-222021-03-10D. Carrizales-Espinoza, D. D. Sánchez-Gallegos, J. L. Gonzalez-Compean and J. Carretero, "A Federated Content Distribution System to Build Health Data Synchronization Services," 2021 29th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP), 2021, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/PDP52278.2021.00011978-0-7381-4454-2 organizational environments, such as in hospitals, data have to be processed, preserved, and shared with other organizations in a cost-efficient manner. Moreover, organizations have to accomplish different mandatory non-functional requirements imposed by the laws, protocols, and norms of each country. In this context, this paper presents a Federated Content Distribution System to build infrastructure-agnostic health data synchronization services. In this federation, each hospital manages local and federated services based on a pub/sub model. The local services manage users and contents (i.e., medical imagery) inside the hospital, whereas federated services allow the cooperation of different hospitals sharing resources and data. Data preparation schemes were implemented to add non-functional requirements to data. Moreover, data published in the content distribution system are automatically synchronized to all users subscribed to the catalog where the content was published.8eng© 2021, IEEEdata privacyhospitalsscalabilityorganizationsontologiessynchronizationsecurityA federated content distribution system to build health data synchronization servicesconference proceedingsInformática access2021 29th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP)CC/0000032849