García Almarza, NoéCapitán, José A.Cuesta, José A.Lomba, Enrique2010-03-092010-03-092009-09-28Journal of Chemical Physics 131, 124506 (2009)0021-9606 (Print)1089-7690 (Online) pages, 7 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 61.20.Gy, 65.20.-w.-- ArXiv pre-print available at: publisher version available Open Access at: Monte Carlo simulation and fundamental measure theory we study the phase diagram of a two-dimensional lattice gas model with a nearest neighbor hard core exclusion and a next-to-nearest neighbor finite repulsive interaction. The model presents two competing ranges of interaction and, in common with many experimental systems, exhibits a low density solid phase, which melts back to the fluid phase upon compression. The theoretical approach is found to provide a qualitatively correct picture of the phase diagram of our model system.text/htmleng© American Institute of PhysicsLattice gasMonte Carlo methodsPhase diagramsSolid-liquid transformationsPhase diagram of a two-dimensional lattice gas model of a ramp systemresearch articleMatemáticas10.1063/1.3223999open access