González Sánchez, RobertoMuñoz Muñoz, AlfonsoHernández Gutiérrez, José AlbertoCuevas Rumín, Rubén2023-06-142023-06-142014-02González, R., Muñoz, A., Hernández, J. L., & Cuevas, R. (2014). On the tweet arrival process at Twitter: analysis and applications. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 25(2), 273-282.2161-5748https://hdl.handle.net/10016/37483This work provides a novel measurement-based analysis of the tweet arrival traffic process at Twitter. The analysis considers more than one million total tweets collected at 48 different times of the day (o'clock and half-past every hour). We observe a 3.5-tweet/ms average rate with a valley of 2.5 tweets/ms at 10 AM (GMT+1) and a peak at 3 PM (GMT+1) of about 5 tweets/ms. We further model the traffic pattern as a Gaussian process, and we validate such an assumption with multiple normality tests. Finally, we overview a number of applications where such a model may show its utility, namely infrastructure dimensioning and upgrading, the detection of outlier events, energy efficiency and so on.10eng© 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Arrival processAverage rateGaussian processesMeasurement-basedNormality testsTraffic patternEnergy efficiencySocial networking (online)On the tweet arrival process at Twitter: analysis and applicationsresearch articleTelecomunicacioneshttps://doi.org/10.1002/ett.2772open access2732282Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies25AR/0000014663