Gramaglia, MarcoCamelo, MiguelFuentes, LidiaBallesteros, JoaquínBaldoni, GabrieleCominardi, LucaGarcía Saavedra, AndrésFiore, Marco2022-10-282022-10-282022-06-07M. Gramaglia et al., "Network Intelligence for Virtualized RAN Orchestration: The DAEMON Approach," 2022 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit), 2022, pp. 482-487978-1-6654-9871-5 mobile networks will largely benefit from advances in softwarization and cloudification of network functions. However, fully exploiting the new potential of flexible network architectures in front of increasingly demanding service volumes and requirements calls for an extremely effective integration of Network Intelligence (NI) solutions into production infrastructures.While current standardization efforts towards embedding NI in beyond-5G and 6G systems are still in their infancy, the DAEMON project is developing technologies for a NI-native generation of mobile networks.In this paper, we present current evolutions proposed by DAEMON in terms of a general model for the representation of NI instances, which facilitates their synergic integration in network environments. We showcase the practical viability and advantages of the proposed approach with two state-of-the-art NI algorithms for vRAN orchestration implemented into an open-source data flow programming framework.6eng©2022 IEEEVranVirtualized ranNetwork intelligenceMobile networksOrchestration6gNetwork Intelligence for Virtualized RAN Orchestration: The DAEMON Approachconference outputTelecomunicaciones access482487CC/0000033536