Úcar Marques, IñakiHernández Gutiérrez, José AlbertoSerrano Yáñez-Mingot, PabloAzcorra Saloña, Arturo2021-11-252021-11-252018-11Ucar, I., Hernandez, J. A., Serrano, P. & Azcorra, A. (2018). Design and Analysis of 5G Scenarios with simmer: An R Package for Fast DES Prototyping. IEEE Communications Magazine, 56(11), 145–151.0163-6804https://hdl.handle.net/10016/33687Simulation frameworks are important tools for the analysis and design of communication networks and protocols, but they can be extremely costly and/or complex (for the case of very specialized tools), or too naive and lacking proper features and support (for the case of ad-hoc tools). In this article, we present an analysis of three 5G scenarios using simmer, a recent R package for discrete-event simulation that sits between the above two paradigms. As our results show, it provides a simple yet very powerful syntax, supporting the efficient simulation of relatively complex scenarios at a low implementation cost.7eng© 2018, IEEE.DelaysInformation and communication technologyAnalytical models5G mobile communicationSwitchesComplexity theoryDesign and analysis of 5G scenarios with simmer: an R package for fast DES prototypingresearch articleTelecomunicacioneshttps://doi.org/10.1109/MCOM.2018.1700960open access14511151IEEE Communications Magazine56AR/0000022805