Álvarez Nogal, CarlosChamley, Christophe2022-06-172022-06-172016-10-01Álvarez-Nogal, C., & Chamley, C. P. (2016). Response to ‘Duplications’ by Drelichman and Voth. The Economic History Review, 69 (3), pp. 1007-1013.0013-0117https://hdl.handle.net/10016/35172In this response, we demonstrate that Mauricio Drelichman and Hans-Joachim Voth, in their 2015 Economic History Review note ‘Duplication without constraints: A´ lvarez- Nogal and Chamley’s analysis of debt policy under Philip II’, provide a misconceived and inaccurate account of our argument about the finances of Philip II in ‘Debt policy under constraints: Philip II, the Cortes, and Genoese bankers’ (Economic History Review, 2014). Here,we summarize our position in the context of the current literature and provide a few comments on data gathering.eng© Economic History Society 2016.Philip IIGenoese bankersJurosRespond to "Duplications" by Drelichman and Vothresearch articlePolíticaSociologíahttps://doi.org/10.1111/ehr.12339open access100731013ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW69AR/0000020501