Ramiro Avilés, Miguel ÁngelUniversidad Carlos III de Madrid. Instituto de Derechos Humanos Bartolomé de las Casas2010-04-272010-04-2720091989-8797https://hdl.handle.net/10016/7824Imagine if breakthrough energy techonologies were developed and diffused globally, permitting economic and social development without worsening climate change. We will be living in Ecotopia, the ideal society described by Ernest Callenbach in his eponymous novel. We can see in this novel that although ecotopians have restored a more primitive way of life, the use of some technological devices and tools has not been completely abandoned because they are helpful in order to get a sustainable and green society. The stable-state system described in Ecotopia is a perfect balance between human beings and environment, and there are impressive means to persue their ideal of pollution-free sources of energy, such as solar energy, earht heat, tides and wind, which not affect biosphere (Ramiro Avilés, 2001).application/pdfengcambio climáticoderecho a disfrutar los beneficios del progreso científicobienes públicos globalesProtocolo de KyotoClimate change, environmental protection and the rebsp: Relation rights and obligationsworking paperDerechoFilosofíaopen access