Zanzi, LanfrancoSalvat, Josep XavierSciancalepore, VincenzoGarcía-Saavedra, AndrésCosta-Pérez, Xavier2019-11-042019-11-042019-09Zanzi, L., Salvat, J. X., Sciancalepore, V., García-Saavedra, A. y Costa-Pérez, X. (2019). Latency-driven Network Slices Orchestration. Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS).978-1-7281-1878-9 paper has been presented at: IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops ( INFOCOM'19 )The novel concept of network slicing is envisioned to allow service providers to open their infrastructure to vertical industries traditionally alien to mobile networks, such as automotive, health or factories. In this way multiple vertical services can be delivered over the same physical facilities by means of advanced network virtualization techniques. However, the vertical service requirements heterogeneity (e.g., high throughput, low latency, high reliability) calls for novel orchestration solutions able to manage end-to-end network slice resources across different domains while satisfying stringent service level agreements. In this demonstration we will show a novel orchestration solution able to handle one of the most stringent requirements: end-to-end latency. Our testbed-evolution of the work presented in [1]-implements all the resource brokerage schemes and allocation operations necessary to complete the life-cycle management of network slices. In addition, the novel overbooking concept is applied to pursue the overall revenue maximization when admitting network slices. Finally, an advanced network slicing monitoring system will be provided as a user-friendly dashboard allowing users to interact with the proposed solution.2eng© 2019 IEEE.Latency-driven Network Slices Orchestrationconference paperTelecomunicaciones accessProceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops