Moreno Lorente, Luis EnriqueMora-Figueroa de Liñán, Mercedes2021-01-132021-01-1320192020-03-09 purpose of this final degree project is to construct a low-cost robotic hand prothesis and to design a myoelectric algorithm for the control of its movements. Myoelectric control consists on using EMG pattern recognition in order to predict the patient’s intention and perform the desired movement in the robotic hand accordingly. The first part of the project consists in the building of the robotic hand following a previously designed model called Dextra. Dextra was designed by Alvaro Villoslada, a former student in University Carlos III. It is composed of 5 printable modular fingers. Each finger is actuated using a rotatory DC motor to rotate a spool, winding up a fishing nylon line inside the finger which produces a flexion movement. The position of each finger is independent in the hand, and it is controlled using magnetic encoders on the motors and a PID loop that receives the feedback signal. Once the hand is assembled and functional, the second part of the project consists in implementing a myoelectric control algorithm for the control of the prothesis. For this purpose, an electrode bracelet called Myo Armband is used. The armband uses surface electromyographic signals and positioning data in order to perform gesture recognition.engAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaRobotic hand prothesisLow-costMyoelectric algorithmsDextraControl algorithmsDesign and construction of hand prosthesis controlled through the acquisition and processing of surface myoelectric signalsbachelor thesisBiología y BiomedicinaRobótica e Informática Industrialopen access