Moreiro González, José AntonioJiménez González, Lucía2021-10-182021-10-182021-10-182021-09-07 los últimos cincuenta años se han multiplicado en España los colectivos y movimientos de asociaciones de víctimas del terrorismo de diferentes tipologías terroristas, debido a la sangrienta trayectoria que desgraciadamente, ha sacudido a nuestro país. El objeto de esta investigación es el análisis documental de la evolución, incremento, devenir y desarrollo de las asociaciones de víctimas del terrorismo y medios de comunicación (2006-2021). En especial el estudio del origen y desarrollo de la Asociación Canaria de Víctimas del Terrorismo, ACAVITE. A partir de este contexto de crecimiento asociativo, ha emergido un necesario cambio de paradigma respecto a la visibilidad y el relato histórico que va desde los grupos y bandas terroristas del FRENTE POLISARIO, ETA y MPAIAC, hasta el terrorismo yihadista, lo que ha supuesto una nueva concepción de su memoria y narrativa. La aparición de un nuevo colectivo en el mapa de entidades como ACAVITE, fundada y presidida por Lucía Jiménez, que ha puesto el foco en la Justicia, registrando ante la Audiencia Nacional, una denuncia el 23 de mayo de 2021, por los atentados terroristas polisarios. Del mismo modo, ha dado a conocer oficialmente la existencia de aproximadamente 281 casos oficiales de víctimas del terrorismo desconocidas que perpetró este grupo armado terrorista saharaui del POLISARIO, con bombas contra trabajadores civiles nacionales indefensos españoles de la empresa de FOSSBUCRAÁ, causando asesinados y heridos. Así como en paralelo, atentados contra pescadores españoles, sobre todo canarios, que fueron objeto de delitos de terrorismo de lesa humanidad que no prescriben. Dentro de este listado, además están censadas, por OCIACAVITE, víctimas del MPAIAC, ETA, GRAPO y terrorismo yihadista en Afganistán y Líbano, ascendiendo a 322 víctimas canarias en total, contabilizando todas las acciones violentas de estos grupos terroristas. En este sentido, como ha perseguido esta tesis en uno de sus objetivos, se sitúa lejos de los argumentos débiles empleados hasta ahora, ha quedado patente que el FRENTE POLISARIO es una banda que ha cometido atentados terroristas, como demuestran los documentos oficiales desclasificados de la CIA-1979 y los emanados de otros gobiernos y autoridades internacionales. Este hecho conlleva el reconocimiento tácito del brutal daño terrorista y la comisión de otros delitos graves, causados a nacionales españoles por parte del POLISARIO y la impunidad que aún sigue disfrutando ante la justicia, el estado de derecho y la opinión pública desde 1979. La tesis se centra en la aplicación de análisis documental y social a las consecuencias humanas de las acciones terroristas contra ciudadanos españoles, estudiándose aspectos como la complicidad institucional, el apagón informativo, la equidistancia y banalización social y mediática, que han padecido las familias de las víctimas canarias causadas por el POLISARIO. Además, se ha obtenido una categorización de las tipologías de víctimas del terrorismo. Pero, sobre todo, se ha puesto de relieve la banalización calculada hacia las víctimas del terrorismo del FRENTE POLISARIO. La reiterada posición victimista de pueblo saharaui y de los líderes del FRENTE POLISARIO en su relación de supuestamente abandonados por España, se contrapone con la justificación ideológica y el blanqueamiento de las acciones terroristas contra españoles, amparadas tradicionalmente por partidos políticos afines a sus ideologías.In the last fifty years, the groups and movements of associations of victims of terrorism of different terrorist typologies have multiplied in Spain, due to the bloody trajectory that, unfortunately, has shaken our country. The object of this research is the documentary analysis of the evolution, increase, evolution and development of the associations of victims of terrorism and the media (2006-2021). The unpublished case of the Canarian Association of Victims of Terrorism, ACAVITE. From this context of increase, a necessary Paradigm Change, visibility and historical narrative has emerged, ranking from the terrorist groups and bands of the POLISARIO FRONT, ETA, MPAIAC, to jihadist terrorism, which has meant a new conception of memory. And narrative, as it has been conceived academically, until now. The appearance of a new, unprecedented group on the map of entities of victims of terrorism, such as the “Canary Association of Victims of Terrorism”, founded and chaired by Lucía Jiménez, daughter of a victim of terrorism from the POLISARIO FRONT, has put the spotlight on Justice, registering before the National Court, a Complaint on May 23, 2021, for these Polisario terrorist attacks. In the same way, it has officially announced the existence of approximately 281 official cases of unknown victims of terrorism perpetrated by this armed Saharui terrorist group of POLISARIO, with bombs against defenseless Spanish civilian workers of the FOSSBUCRAÁ Company, causing murders and injuries. As well as in parallel, attacks against Spanish fishermen, -mainly Canary Islands, but also Andalusians, Basques and Galicians- who were the object of crimes of terrorism, torture, mass kidnappings, machine-gunning, disappearances, crimes against humanity, crimes against fundamental rights, genocide, and other very serious of a similar nature, which never prescribe. And within this list, victims of the MPAIAC, ETA, GRAPO and jihadist terrorism in Afghanistan and Lebanon are also registered by OCI-ACAVITE, amounting to 322 Canarian victims in total, accounting for all the violent actions of these terrorist groups. In this sense, as this thesis has shown in one of its objectives, -is far from the weak arguments used so far-, it has become clear that the "El Hamra and Rio Oro Popular Revolutionary Front, POLISARIO FRONT-POLISARIO FRONT”, proving that it is a terrorist band / group that has committed attacks, as collected in the declassified official documents of the CIA since 1979, by the United States Government, (USA) and those emanating from other governments and international authorities of anti-terrorism, which implies the tacit recognition of the brutal terrorist damage and other serious crimes, caused to Spanish nationals by the POLISARIO and the impunity that continues to be enjoyed before the courts, the rule of law and public opinion since 1979. Based on the above, this thesis focuses on the implementation and given the temporal coincidence of circumstances that occurred, related to the serious international diplomatic crisis with Morocco, Europe, the United States, of America and third countries, as a consequence of the entry with a false identity and stay in Spain to treat Covid 19 and cancer, for "alleged humanitarian reasons in the midst of a pandemic, according to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, González-Laya of the socialist Government of Pedro Sánchez," by allowing the current president to cure in our country Polisario and former Polisario Defense Minister, Brahim Ghali, - despite the fact that he had a search and arrest warrant issued by the National Court in Spain. And where later, Judge S. Pedraz, facilitated the release without taking into account, nor being investigated, or clarified, the Complaint officially registered before the Justice by OCIACAVITE before the National Court, on May 23 2021. The results of the study carried out also reveal a focus of attention, from the point of view of terrorist victimology, the consequences, and the suffering inflicted, by terrorist actions and other very serious crimes against Spanish national citizens, studying aspects such as the institutional complicity, the information blackout, the equidistance and social and media trivialization, suffered by the families of the Canarian victims of the terrorism committed by POLISARIO, which has been constant. In addition, an academic categorization of types of victims of terrorism has been obtained; "Victims of Vitemenoc terrorism" (less known in the media), "victims of Vitemasmedi terrorism" (victims more known in the media). But above all, it has highlighted the trivialization calculated towards the victims of terrorism of the POLISARIO FRONT, it has been carried out above all, from the class and political parties of the left and nationalists, both in the Canary Islands, as well as in the national political class by the different governments of Spain; PP, PSOE, Podemos, Coalición Canaria CC, Nueva Canarias NC, etc., during and after the Transition. In short, it has perpetuated these injustices towards the affected Canarian families. And it is that, traditionally the reiterated position and victimist mantra of the Saharawi people and leaders of the POLISARIO FRONT in their relationship - supposedly abandoned by Spain -, is opposed to the ideological justification and whitewashing of terrorist actions against Spaniards, traditionally protected by related political parties to their revolutionary ideologies.spaAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Españavíctimas del terorrismoCanariasEspañaFrente PolisariovictimologíaAsociación Canaria de Víctimas del TerrorismoMPAIACterrorismo yihadistaETAGRAPOrelato históricoSáhara OccidentalMarruecosAudiencia Nacionalestado de derechovictims of terrorismCanary IslandsSpainPolisario FrontvictimologyCanarian Association of Victims of Terrorismjihadist terrorismhistorical accountOccidental SaharaMoroccoNational Audiencerule of lawAsociaciones de Víctimas del Terrorismo y medios de comunicación. El caso inédito de la Asociación Canaria de Víctimas del terrorismo, ACAVITE (2006-2021). Cambio de Paradigma, visibilidad y relato histórico: desde el FRENTE POLISARIO, MPAIAC a ETA. Memoria y narrativadoctoral thesisBiblioteconomía y Documentaciónopen access