Martinez Yelmo, IsaiasGarcía Martínez, AlbertoBagnulo Braun, Marcelo Gabriel2007-08-082007-08-082005-07 2005. IFIP International Workshop on Networked Applications, Colmenarejo, Madrid/Spain, 6–8 July, 2005. (Proceedings of the 11th Open European Summer School EUNICE 2005: Networked Applications)This paper proposes an API for Multihoming in IPv6. This API is based on the Hash Based Addresses and Cryptographically Generated Addresses approaches, which are being developed by the IETF multi6 Working Group. The support of Multihoming implies several actions such as failure detection procedures, reachability tests, re-homing procedures and exchange of locators. Applications can benefit from transparent access to Multihoming services only if per host Multihoming parameters are defined. However, more benefits could be obtained by applications if they will be able to configure these parameters. The proposed Multihoming API provides different functions to applications which can modify some parameters and invoke some functions related with the Multihoming Layer.247106 bytesapplication/pdfengAPIMultihomingIPV6An API for IPv6 Multihoming based on HBA and CGAconference paperTelecomunicacionesopen access