Carrasco-Baltasar, DanielGarcía Castillo, Shirley KalamisIváñez del Pozo, InésNavarro Ugena, Carlos2023-09-272023-09-272023-01-01Carrasco-Baltasar, D., García-Castillo, S. K., Iváñez, I., & Navarro, C. (2023). Modelling of woven CFRP plates subjected to oblique high-velocity impact and membrane loads. Composite Structures, 303, 116344.0263-8223 this work, an analytical model was employed to model the perforation of woven plates made of AS4/8552 (carbon/epoxy) laminates exposed to oblique impact and preload in plane. The model assumed six mechanisms for the absorption of the kinetic energy of projectile: the laminate acceleration, elastic deformation of fibres, fibres failure, shear plugging, delamination and matrix cracking. The model was validated with numerical and experimental data from previous works and, was used to determine the influence of an oblique and perpendicular impacts on laminates with and without the in-plane preload.9eng© 2022 The Authors.Atribución 3.0 EspañaAnalytical modelCFRP LaminatesOblique impactPlane-preloadModelling of woven CFRP plates subjected to oblique high-velocity impact and membrane loadsresearch articleFísicaIngeniería IndustrialIngeniería MecánicaMateriales access11163449Composite Structures303AR/0000032452