Méndez Romero, DiegoFernández-Getino García, María Julia2023-02-212023-02-212020-06-16Méndez-Romero, D. & Fernández-Getino García, M. J. (16-18 June 2020). Death/birth and SNR detection for vehicular Kalman channel trackers [proceedings]. 20th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (IEEE MELECON 2020), Palermo, Italy.978-1-7281-5200-4https://hdl.handle.net/10016/36625Proceedings of: 20th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (IEEE MELECON 2020), 16-18 June 2020, Palermo, Italy.Wireless communication demand is increasing requirements due to expected smart mobility as well as modern vehicular technologies, such as Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) or High-Speed Rail (HSR). In the latter scenario, high mobility through different physical environments, such as from viaducts to cuttings or tunnels, results in a fast variation of the multipath structure, giving rise to the phenomenon of birth-death of taps. To exploit the temporal correlation of each tap, however, a Kalman filter (KF) could be used; but KF's performance degrades catastrophically unless tap birth/death can be synchronically detected. To address this issue, several solutions based on particle filtering have been proposed, albeit with a prohibitive complexity. More recently, a Simplified Maximum A Posteriori (SMAP) algorithm for tap birth/death detection has been developed for the case where there is no signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) variation. With a similar purpose in mind, this paper develops a theoretical framework to understand death/birth detection when SNR is dynamical and may drift. This paper also analyzes how different quasi-ideal SNR detectors affect the SMAP algorithm's performance.5eng©2020 IEEEKalmanSNRSMAPOFDMVehicularDeath/birth and SNR detection for vehicular Kalman channel trackersconference proceedingsTelecomunicacioneshttps://doi.org/10.1109/MELECON48756.2020.9140497open access10410820th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference: IEEE MELECON 2020, June 15-18, 2020: proceedingsCC/0000030854