Zemann, RichardLópez Puente, JorgeTurrillo Jimeno, JavierTechnische Universität Wien2013-10-182013-10-182012-072012-05-25https://hdl.handle.net/10016/17824Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) are composed of a continuous constituent, which is called matrix, and also fibres which are the reinforcement phase. FRPs are characterized compared with metals by high specific strength and stiffness, good corrosion resistance, fatigue resistance, thermal insulation, conductivity and acoustic insulation. However, the FRPs present marked anisotropy because of fibres, which results in high cost, low productivity and not always good finishing. Therefore, to understand their behaviour throughout machining process and to analyze the influence of tool wear, they are necessary in order to achieve cost reductions required by the industry. This paper summarizes the theory necessary to understand the nature of FRP materials and presents the conclusions of tool wear when drilling Aramid Fibre Reinforced Polymer (AFRP).application/pdfengAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaMecánica de sólidosDesgaste de materialesPolímerosHerramientasPolímeros reforzados por fibraAnalysis of tool wear after machining of fibre reinforced polymersAnálisis del desgaste de la herramienta al mecanizar polimeros reforzados con fibramaster thesisIngeniería Industrialopen access