Hernández Gutiérrez, José AlbertoSanchez Fuentes, RafaelNavarro Martin, IgnacioLarrabeiti López, David2022-01-252022-01-252019-06Hernandez, J. A., Sanchez, R., Martin, I. & Larrabeiti, D. (2019). Meeting the Traffic Requirements of Residential Users in the Next Decade with Current FTTH Standards: How Much? How Long? IEEE Communications Magazine, 57(6), 120–125.0163-6804https://hdl.handle.net/10016/33953Traffic demand in access networks has grown in recent years, and service providers need to upgrade their infrastructure to the latest access standards. While fiber has become the preferred technology of choice in access networks, there are many fibre access technologies available inthe market. This poses challenging questions to operators that are not always easy to answer: How to upgrade? What technology and for howlong wil it cope with the demands? In this article we model the traffic forecast in access networks for the next decade and analyze possible upgradescenarios of fibre access networks, concluding which of the NG-PON flavors could better fit the demand.6eng© 2019, IEEE.Passive optical networksOptical fibersBandwidthTelecommunication trafficHybrid fiber coaxial cablesMultiplexingMeeting the traffic requirements of residential users in the next decade with current FTTH standards: How much? How long?research articleTelecomunicacioneshttps://doi.org/10.1109/MCOM.2018.1800173open access1206125IEEE Communications Magazine57AR/0000025114