Molina, José LuisOzaita Corral, JuanTamarit, IgnacioSánchez, AngelMcCarty, ChristopherBernard, H. Russell2023-02-232023-02-232022-09Molina, J. L., Ozaita, J., Tamarit, I., Sánchez, A., McCarty, C., & Bernard, H. R. (2022). Structural measures of personal networks predict migrants’ cultural backgrounds: an explanation from Grid/Group theory. PNAS Nexus, 1(4).2752-6542 and social structure are not separated analytical domains but intertwined phenomena observable in personal networks. Drawing on a personal networks dataset of migrants in the United States and Spain, we show that the country of origin, a proxy for diverse languages and cultural institutions, and religion may be predicted by specific combinations of personal network structural measures (closeness, clustering, betweenness, average degree, etc). We obtain similar results applying three different methods (a multinomial logistic regression, a Random Forest algorithm, and an artificial neural network). This finding is explained within the framework of the Grid/Group theory that has long posed the interdependence of social structural and cultural features of human groups.8eng© The Author(s) 2022.Atribución 3.0 EspañaCultural SignatureSocial SignaturePersonal NetworksGrid/Group theoryMigrationStructural measures of personal networks predict migrants' cultural backgrounds: an explanation from Grid/Group theoryresearch articleAntropologíaMatemáticasSociología access148PNAS Nexus1AR/0000032049