Congosto Martínez, María LuzBasanta Val, PabloSánchez Fernández, Luis2018-01-102019-04-012017-04-01Journal of Network and Computer Applications (April 2017), vol. 83, pp. 28-39.1084-8045 the eruption of online social networks, like Twitter and Facebook, a series of new APIs have appeared to allow access to the data that these new sources of information accumulate. One of most popular online social networks is the micro-blogging site Twitter. Its APIs allow many machines to access the torrent simultaneously to Twitter data, listening to tweets and accessing other useful information such as user profiles. A number of tools have appeared for processing Twitter data with different algorithms and for different purposes. In this paper T-Hoarder is described: a framework that enables tweet crawling, data filtering, and which is also able to display summarized and analytical information about the Twitter activity with respect to a certain topic or event in a web-page. This information is updated on a daily basis. The tool has been validated with real use-cases that allow making a series of analysis on the performance one may expect from this type of infrastructure.11application/pdfeng© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaMicro-bloggingTwitter analyticsData streamingVisualizationT-Hoarder: a framework to process Twitter data streamsresearch articleTelecomunicaciones access2839Journal of Network and Computer Applications83AR/0000019855