Nicolás-Martín, CarolinaSantos-Martín, DavidChinchilla-Sánchez, MónicaMartínez-Crespo, Jorge2024-05-282024-05-282023C. Nicolás-Martín, D. Santos-Martín, M. Chinchilla-Sánchez and J. Martínez-Crespo, Frequency support technologies analysis for WECS in the isolated Grid System of Gran Canaria, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2023 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), Madrid, Spain, 2023, pp. 1-6979-8-3503-4743-2 frequency support techniques for Wind Energy Conversion Systems are studied in this paper to avoid system shutdown in the isolated power grid of Gran Canaria under a frequency event: synthetic one loop inertia, Fast Power Reserve with a classic profile, and with a ramp profile. Their overall performance is numerically measured and compared in terms of frequency stability behavior and wind turbine energetic efficiency. A detailed model of the Gran Canaria power system is developed and implemented in Matlab/Simulink for such purpose. Its structure and parameters are based on real data obtained from Red Eléctrica de España. The use of a correctly tuned Fast Power Reserve technique provides a more efficient use of the extra power provided by the Wind Energy Conversion Systems than synthetic inertia in terms of the stability of the system. The Fast Power Reserve profile must be designed according to a set of guidelines to provide optimum results: a short power inrush (preferably in a ramp shape), a smooth transition from the power inrush to the recovery phase and an optimum recovery time of 3 to 4 times the power inrush time.6eng© 2023, IEEEFprSiWecsFrequency stabilityFrequency support technologies analysis for WECS in the isolated Grid System of Gran Canariaconference proceedingsElectrónicaIngeniería IndustrialIngeniería MecánicaFísica accessCC/0000034848