Marcellán Español, Francisco JoséPinzón Cortés, Natalia Camila2016-07-042016-07-042013-11-01Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 19, pp. 1828-18481023-6198 this work, we introduce the notion of (1; 1)-Dw-coherent pair of weakly quasi-de nite linear functionals (U; V) as the Dw-analogue to the generalized coherent pair studied by A. Delgado and F. Marcell an in [8]. This means that their corresponding families of monic orthogonal poly- nomials fPn(x)gM0 n=0 and fRn(x)gM1 n=0 satisfy We prove that (1; 1)-Dw-coherence is a su cient condition for the weakly quasi-de nite linear functionals to be Dw-semiclassical, one of them of class at most 1 and the another of class at most 5, and they are related by a expression of rational type. Additionally, a matrix interpretation of (1; 1)-Dw-coherence in terms of the corresponding monic Jacobi matrices is given. The particular case when μ is Dw-classical linear functional is studied.23application/pdfeng© Taylor & Francis, 2013Semiclassical orthogonal polynomialsDelta-coherent pairsLinear functionalsdiscrete orthogonal polynomialsDw-coherent pairs.(1,1)-Dw-omega-coherent pairsresearch articleMatemáticas10.1080/10236198.2013.778842open access1828111848Journal of difference equations and applications19AR/0000014358