Zaera, RamónArias Hernández, Ángel2008-11-262008-11-262008-11-24 Group “Dynamics and Fracture of Structural Elements” offers its experience in Solid Mechanics analysis for the study of the impact protection of vehicles, aircrafts and persons. The Group activities have a strong research component, in which numerical simulation tools as well as sophisticated experimental techniques are employed. This technological offer could be of interest to automobile companies (impact and collision security), aeronautical companies (impact of external body on fuselage, attack, and fragments o ice) and defence companies (special armours for mobile systems and persons).application/pdfengDesign and Modelling / PrototypesMetals and AlloysComposite materialsDesign of vehiclesAircraftSimulationSimulation EngineeringSecurity and defence of mobile systems under impactreportIngeniería MecánicaTecnologías para la seguridadopen access