Agulló, IvánBarbero G., J. FernandoFernández Borja, EnriqueDíaz-Polo, JacoboSánchez Villaseñor, Eduardo Jesús2017-05-162017-05-162010-07-02Physical Review D, 2010, 82 (8), 084029.1550-7998 give a complete and detailed description of the computation of black hole entropy in loop quantum gravity by employing the most recently introduced number-theoretic and combinatorial methods. The use of these techniques allows us to perform a detailed analysis of the precise structure of the entropy spectrum for small black holes, showing some relevant features that were not discernible in previous computations. The ability to manipulate and understand the spectrum up to the level of detail that we describe in the paper is a crucial step toward obtaining the behavior of entropy in the asymptotic (large horizon area) regime.59application/pdfeng© 2010 The American Physical SocietyDetailed Black Hole State Counting in Loop Quantum Gravityresearch articleFísicaMatemáticas access84029-1884029-59Physical review. D, Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology82AR/0000007339