Utray Delgado, FranciscoHooper, Gerald2016-08-032016-08-032016Production and delivery in Ultra HD and 4K. Drexel University, 2016https://hdl.handle.net/10016/23461Questions and answers session of the workshop “Production and delivery in Ultra HD and 4K”, Drexel University, Cinema and Television Department, July, 26th 2016. The workshop objective is to address the new content production and distribution standards in ultra-high definition (Ultra HD) and the technological bases that support them. The new standard is already being used at its full potential, although international organizations for standardization are still working on its development. The first stage has materialized in 4K image resolution, but we still do not know where this path will lead film, television and video industries. Are we faced with a paradigm shift or is it simply a smooth evolution? Is technology ready for this change? Is there really a demand for it?3application/pdfengAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaUltra HDUHD4KHDRUltra High DefinitionDigital CinemaTelevisionProduction and delivery in Ultra HD and 4Kconference proceedingsCiencias de la Informaciónopen accessCC/0000024415