Santos, Leonardo L. S.De Souza Neto, Antonio R.Amarís Duarte, Hortensia ElenaAlonso Martínez, MónicaBelati, Edmarcio A.Ângelos, Eduardo W. S.Melo, Joel D.2021-11-092021-11-092020-11-16Santos, L. L. S., De Souza Neto, A. R., Amaris, H., Alonso, M., Belati, E. A., Angelos, E. W. S. & Melo, J. D. (16-19 November, 2020). Coordination of power reactive management considering variations in wind speed from wind farms and power transmission limits. CILAMCE 2020 [Proceedings]. XLI Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC Foz do Iguaçu/PR, Brazil.2675-6269 of: XLI Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC. Foz do Iguaçu/PR, Brazil, November 16-19, 2020This paper presents a methodology that allows performing the optimized and coordinated management of reactive power injection in power systems with wind farms and other sources of reactive injection, such as capacitor banks or static voltage compensators, minimizing the losses in the transmission power system. The variation in wind speed is characterized by the Weibull distribution. The values of this distribution are used as input data for the optimal power flow model whose output provides a sample of values for defining the confidence intervals of the injected reactive power, as well as the voltage values in each bus of the electrical system. The proposed methodology was tested using a real 140 buses system to determine the dispatch of reactive sources available in the power system. The results found by the proposal can help to make a better management of the available reactive sources in the real-time operation.7engOptimal power flowReactive powerDFIGActive power lossesVoltage stabilityWind farmsCoordination of power reactive management considering variations in wind speed from wind farms and power transmission limitsconference proceedingsElectrónicaopen access186087CILAMCE 2020. Proceedings of the XLI Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, ABMEC. Foz do Iguaçu/PR, Brazil, November 16-19, 20202CC/0000032689