Robles Muñoz, GuillermoMartínez Tarifa, Juan ManuelRojas Moreno, Mónica VictoriaAlbarracín Sánchez, RicardoArdila Rey, Jorge Alfredo2013-02-062013-02-062012-05-13Antenna selection and frequency response study forUHF detection of partial discharges (2012). 2012 IEEE IMTC International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology: Proceedings. Pp. 1496-1499978-1-4577-1771-0 Discharge (PD) detection is a widely extended technique for electrical insulation diagnosis. Classical PD detection by means of phase resolved patterns require electrical connections to the power equipment and is sensitive to many noise sources. Ultra High Frequency (UHF) detection techniques are being recently proposed to overcome these problems, and to detect partial discharges on-line. In this paper, four antennas will be tested in order to compare their response to this physical phenomenon.text/plainapplication/pdfeng© IEEEUHF detectionAntennas responsePartial dischargesAntenna selection and frequency response study forUHF detection of partial dischargesconference outputMaterialesIngeniería Industrial10.1109/I2MTC.2012.6229440open access149614992012 IEEE IMTC International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology: ProceedingsCC/0000015125