Sun, HeCabras, StefanoUniversidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Estadística2023-11-072023-11-072023-11-072387-0303 In burgeoning urban landscapes, the proliferation of the populace necessitates swift and accurate urban transit solutions to cater to the citizens' commuting requirements. A pivotal aspect of fostering optimized traffic management and ensuring resilient responses to unanticipated passenger surges is precisely forecasting hourly occupancy levels within urban subway systems. This study embarks on delineating a two-tiered model designed to address this imperative adeptly: 1. Preliminary Phase - Employing a Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN): In the initial phase, a Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) is employed to gauge the occupancy levels across various subway stations. The FFNN, a class of artificial neural networks, is well-suited for this task because it can learn from the data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to perform the task. Through a series of interconnected nodes, known as neurons, arranged in layers, the FFNN processes the input data, adjusts its weights based on the error of its predictions, and optimizes the network for accurate forecasting. For the random process of occupation levels in time and space, this phase encapsulates the so-called process filtration, wherein the underlying patterns and dynamics of subway occupancy are captured and represented in a structured format, ready for subsequent analysis. The estimates garnered from this phase are pivotal and form the foundation for the subsequent modelling stage. 2. Subsequent Phase - Implementing a Bayesian Proportional-Odds Model with Hourly Random Effects: With the estimates from the FFNN at disposal, the study transitions to the subsequent phase wherein a Bayesian Proportional-Odds Model is utilized. This model is particularly adept for scenarios where the response variable is ordinal, as in the case of occupancy levels (Low, Medium, High). The Bayesian framework, underpinned by the principles of probability, facilitates the incorporation of prior probabilities on model parameters and updates this knowledge with observed data to make informed predictions. The unique feature of this model is the incorporation of a random effect for hours, which acknowledges the inherent variability across different hours of the day. This is paramount in urban transit systems where passenger influx varies significantly with the hour. The synergy of these two models facilitates calibrated estimations of occupancy levels, both conditionally (relative to the sample) and unconditionally (on a detached test set). This dual-phase methodology furnishes analysts with a robust and reliable insight into the quality of predictions propounded by this model. This, in turn, avails a data-driven foundation for making informed decisions in real-time traffic management, emergency response planning, and overall operational optimization of urban subway systems. The model expounded in this study is presently under scrutiny for potential deployment by the Beijing Metro Group Ltd. This initiative reflects a practical stride towards embracing sophisticated analytical models to ameliorate urban transit management, thereby contributing to the broader objective of fostering sustainable and efficient urban living environments amidst the surging urban populace.engAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaBayesian Model CalibrationDeep LearningIntegrated Nested Laplace ApproximationProportional Odds ModelSpatial-Temporal ModellingDeep Learning and Bayesian Calibration Approach to Hourly Passenger Occupancy Prediction in Beijing Metro: A Study Exploiting Cellular Data and Metro Conditionsworking paperEstadísticaDT/0000002094