G. Sanchis, RaúlVicente Pérez, JoséUniversidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Economía2017-07-142017-07-142017-05-142340-5031https://hdl.handle.net/10016/24745A novel index which captures lifestyle dynamics is described in this paper. By means of official time use surveys, increasingly spreading worldwide, we develop the so-called Lifestyle Dynamics Index, which is based on the information on activities provided by the Multinational Time Use Study (MTUS). We provide worldwide results of the Lifestyle Dynamics Index for all available countries historically. These results confirm a clear worldwide pattern towards a less dynamic lifestyle. Particularly, we study the case of the United States for the 2003&-2012 decade; such results show the potential of this index since it is strongly related to relevant socio-economic information at the individual and household level, namely the per capita total household expenditure, obesity rates, net household savings and consumption of energy related goods. As more data &-already collected&- were released worldwide, the results of this index will grow exponencially and the potential use for socio-economic policy purposes of the Lifestyle Dynamics Index could be better exploited.application/pdfengAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaHouseholdsLifestyleTime UseSocio-Economic BehaviorLifestyle Dynamics Index : Time Use Methodology and Worldwide Resultsworking paperopen accessDT/0000001574