Álvarez-Nodarse, RenatoPetronilho, JoséPinzón-Cortés, Natalia CamilaSevinik-Adıgüzel, Rezan2016-07-212017-08-152015-08-15Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2015, v. 284, pp. 26–370377-0427https://hdl.handle.net/10016/23405Proceedings of: OrthoQuad 2014. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain. January 20–24, 2014Let ν be either ω∈C∖{0} or q∈C∖{0,1} , and let Dν be the corresponding difference operator defined in the usual way either by Dωp(x)=p(x+ω)−p(x)ω or Dqp(x)=p(qx)−p(x)(q−1)x . Let U and V be two moment regular linear functionals and let {Pn(x)}n≥0 and {Qn(x)}n≥0 be their corresponding orthogonal polynomial sequences (OPS). We discuss an inverse problem in the theory of discrete orthogonal polynomials involving the two OPS {Pn(x)}n≥0 and {Qn(x)}n≥0 assuming that their difference derivatives Dν of higher orders m and k (resp.) are connected by a linear algebraic structure relation such as ∑Mi=0ai,nDmνPn+m−i(x)=∑Ni=0bi,nDkνQn+k−i(x),n≥0, Turn MathJax off where M,N,m,k∈N∪{0} , aM,n≠0 for n≥M , bN,n≠0 for n≥N , and ai,n=bi,n=0 for i>n . Under certain conditions, we prove that U and V are related by a rational factor (in the ν− distributional sense). Moreover, when m≠k then both U and V are Dν -semiclassical functionals. This leads us to the concept of (M,N) - Dν -coherent pair of order (m,k) extending to the discrete case several previous works. As an application we consider the OPS with respect to the following Sobolev-type inner product ⟨p(x),r(x)⟩λ,ν=⟨U,p(x)r(x)⟩+λ⟨V,(Dmνp)(x)(Dmνr)(x)⟩,λ>0, Turn MathJax off assuming that U and V (which, eventually, may be represented by discrete measures supported either on a uniform lattice if ν=ω , or on a q -lattice if ν=q ) constitute a (M,N) - Dν -coherent pair of order m (that is, an (M,N) - Dν -coherent pair of order (m,0) ), m∈N being fixed.12application/pdfeng© Elsevier 2015Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaOrthogonal polynomialsInverse problemsSemiclassical orthogonal polynomialsCoherent pairsSobolev-type orthogonal polynomialsOn linearly related sequences of difference derivatives of discrete orthogonal polynomialsconference paperMatemáticas10.1016/j.cam.2014.06.018open access2637Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics284