Salas Merino, Rosa AnaPleite Guerra, Jorge2019-01-212019-01-212014-07-25Salas, R.A., Pleite, J. (2014). Nonlinear Modeling of E-Type Ferrite Inductors Using Finite Element Analysis in 2D . Materials, 7 (8), pp. 5454-5469.1996-1944 present here a modeling procedure for inductors with an E-shaped ferrite core valid for calculating the inductance of an equivalent circuit from the linear operating region to the saturation region. The procedure was developed using Finite Elements in 2D. We demonstrate that using a 2D section of the real core the results obtained are similar to the real ones, which solves the problem of convergence that appeared when E type cores were simulated in 3D, while also saving computational cost. We also discuss the effect of the gap-thickness on the magnetic properties. The data obtained by simulation are compared with experimental results.18application/pdfeng© 2014 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 EspañaFerrite inductorsFinite Element Analysis (FEA)Saturation effectMnzn ferritesNonlinear Modeling of E-Type Ferrite Inductors Using Finite Element Analysis in 2Dresearch articleElectrónica access545485469Materials7AR/0000015591