Segovia Vargas, DanielJimenez Martin, Jose LuisParra Cerrada, ÁngelAlbarracín Vargas, Luis FernandoUgarte Muñoz, EduardoGonzález Posadas, Vicente2023-11-032023-11-032016-09Segovia-Vargas, D., Jiménez-Martín, J. L., Parra-Cerrada, Á., Albarracín-Vargas, F., Ugarte-Muñoz, E. & González-Posadas, V. (2016). Stability analysis and design of negative impedance converters: application to circuit and small antennas. Radioengineering, 25(3), 409-418.1210-2512 impedance converters (NICs) have been proposed as structures to improve the performance of RF circuits and electrically small antennas. However, NICs suffer from stability problems. This paper presents a compact procedure to analyze the stability of NICs. Then, the required and sufficient conditions to predict the stability of a negative impedance converter are given. These conditions can be evaluated using standard computer-aided design software. Finally, a NIC prototype is given to validate and illustrate the presented design procedure, it is also integrated with a printed, blade-type, electrically small monopole in the VHF band.10eng© The Authors, 2016.Atribución 3.0 EspañaNegative impedance converter (NIC)StabilityNetwork nyquist testElectrically small antennasStability analysis and design of negative impedance converters: application to circuit and small antennasresearch articleElectrónicaInformáticaTelecomunicaciones access4093418Radioengineering25AR/0000018273