Contreras Tejada, PatriciaPalazuelos, CarlosVicente Majua, Julio Íñigo de2023-01-122023-01-122021-01-29Contreras-Tejada, P., Palazuelos, C., & de Vicente, J. I. (2021). Genuine multipartite nonlocality is intrinsic to quantum networks. Physical Review Letters, 126(4), 040501. entanglement and nonlocality are inextricably linked. However, while entanglement is necessary for nonlocality, it is not always sufficient in the standard Bell scenario. We derive sufficient conditions for entanglement to give rise to genuine multipartite nonlocality in networks. We find that any network where the parties are connected by bipartite pure entangled states is genuine multipartite nonlocal, independently of the amount of entanglement in the shared states and of the topology of the network. As an application of this result, we also show that all pure genuine multipartite entangled states are genuine multipartite nonlocal in the sense that measurements can be found on finitely many copies of any genuine multipartite entangled state to yield a genuine multipartite nonlocal behavior. Our results pave the way toward feasible manners of generating genuine multipartite nonlocality using any connected network.7eng© 2021 American Physical SocietyNonlocalityQuantum entanglementQuantum networksGenuine multipartite nonlocality is intrinsic to quantum networksresearch articleMatemáticas access040501-14040501-7Physical Review Letters126AR/0000028094