García Viñuela, EnriqueJurado Nebreda, IgnacioRiera Sagrera, Pedro2022-06-302022-06-302018-02-28García-Viñuela, E., Jurado, I., & Riera, P. (2018). The effect of valence and ideology in campaign conversion: panel evidence from three Spanish general elections. In Public Choice, 175(1–2), 155–1790048-5829 paper studies changes in voting preferences over election campaigns. Building on the literature on spatial models and valence issues, we study whether (1) ideological distance to political parties, (2) assessments of party competence to handle different policy issues, and (3) voter-updated candidate evaluations are factors that explain shifts in voter choices in the weeks preceding the election. To test our hypotheses, we use data from three survey panels conducted for the 2008, 2011 and 2015 Spanish general elections. Our findings show that valence factors are more influential than ideological indifference to account for campaign conversion.24eng© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018Atribución 3.0 EspañaValence politicsSpatial modelsElection campaignsConversion effectSpainPanel analysisThe effect of valence and ideology in campaign conversion: panel evidence from three Spanish general electionsresearch articlePolítica access1551 - 2179PUBLIC CHOICE175AR/0000021232