Ledesma Larrea, PabloGotti, DavideAmarís Duarte, Hortensia Elena2022-05-302022-07Ledesma, P., Gotti, D., & Amaris, H. (2022). Co-simulation platform for interconnected power systems and communication networks based on PSS/E and OMNeT++. In Computers and Electrical Engineering (Vol. 101, p. 108092)0045-7906https://hdl.handle.net/10016/34936This paper proposes a co-simulator that combines OMNeT++ for communication systems with PSS/E for the electrical transmission network. The cosimulator applies an event-driven synchronization method that minimizes errors due to delays in the synchronization between both simulators. The synchronization method pauses the simulation of the power system at each communication event, while a supervisory module in PSS/E returns control to the event simulator if any condition from a pre-specified set is met. The proposed co-simulator is demonstrated on a protection system based on peer-to-peer communication and used to evaluate the effect of communication latency times on an online state estimator.26eng© 2022 The AuthorsAtribución 3.0 EspañaDynamic simulationCo-simulationTransient stabilityTransmission networkOmnet++PsseCo-simulation platform for interconnected power systems and communication networks based on PSS/E and OMNeT++research articleIngeniería Mecánicahttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2022.108092open access108092108114COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING101AR/0000030631